❌READ THE CAPTION: By the word differently, I mean that Paracetamol and Ibuprofen works differently in terms of their use, not their pharmacological effects. It's not meant to be taken literally that paracetamol only works for pain above the neck and ibuprofen only below. It’s more of a general memory aid—paracetamol is often used for headaches and migraines, while ibuprofen is commonly used for muscle and joint pain. So this doesn’t mean they pharmacologically work differently based on the location of the pain. It’s more about what’s causing the pain rather than where it is. That being said, both medications can be used for pain throughout the body, depending on the cause! Paracetamol helps with mild to moderate pain and fever, while ibuprofen reduces inflammation, making it useful for conditions like arthritis or muscle strains. It’s not an absolute rule, just a simple way to remember their common uses! If you're unsure about which medication would provide more benefits than risks for you, it's always best to consult your doctor. #medical #medschool #medstudent #healthcare #medicine
My point is absolutely not to scare anyone, but to normalize the ups and downs of this long journey to becoming a doctor. Just like many other things in life, there are highs and lows, and it’s important to talk about them so people don’t feel alone. No one really prepares you for the struggles, but that doesn’t mean you’re not capable—it just means you’re human. My goal with this video is to shed light on the taboos, not to discourage, but to prepare and remind you that despite the challenges, becoming a doctor is still possible! #medschool #medstudent #university #highschool #college #studytok #medicalschool #medicine