LET ME CLEAR THIS UP ‼️ Bc i have used Spetra before for specific colors , however im not using that on a regular basis ! 🗣️BRAIDING HAIR MATTERS, Just like the products and tools do as well. #dopeaxxpana#dearmodernstylist#podcast#hairpodcast
TODAY @ 3pm WE LISTEN BUT WE JUDGE …. . I mean “DONT JUDGE” this is a safe space yall 😂 . Check my Story to Set that Timee ‼️ You don’t wanna miss this episode 🔥 . @bretheegeminii@n0t_ur_averagegrl #dopeaxxpana#dearmodernstylist#hairtok#bayareahair#bayareastylist#welistenandwedontjudge#podcast#hairpodcast#beautypodcast#bayareapodcast#wigstylist#bayareawigs
🗣️😱I CANT BELIEVE THIS‼️ You mean to tell me after 5-6 hours of braiding and adding in each little boho and braiding hair piece you want me to turn around and take an extra 1 to 2 hours to braid it into the ends ⁉️ 😂 oh yeah ; yall gotta run me a fade 😂🥊 I’m totally jk … but it def is a whole lotta extra work and the price will reflect that ‼️ . . @dearmodernstylist airs every Wed @ 3pm PST on Spotify & YouTube visually and auditory 🔥 . #dopeaxxpana#hairtok#podcast#beautypodcast#hairpodcast#desrmodernstylist#knotlessbocbraids#feederbraids#boho#bohobraids#bohostyles