Many of you have been asking about the plaques. They were added to the graves in 2001 (at Goldfield Cemetery) and in 2005 (at old Tonopah cemetery). However, some of the original graves DID have the cause of death like the ones shown here. Unfortunately due to vandals, many of the originals have gone missing but a few remain. The reasoning for putting cause of death on graves back then was to serve as a warning. “Don’t let what happened to me, happen to you.” The reasoning for putting the cause of death on todays graves is to preserve the history and to show & remind others how tumultuous life was back then. Surviving was the only way of life. Hope this helps answer your questions! #CapCut #fyp #goldfield #goldfieldnv #goldfieldnevada #goldfieldcemetery #tonopah #tonopahnevada #oldtonopahcemetery #tonopahcemetery #wildwest #cowboy #outlaw #cemetery #graveyard #rip #taphophile #history #historic #checkthisout #western #johnnycash
Back to your regularly scheduled program! Don’t forget to follow me on insta & facebook and subscribe to my YouTube🥰 All links in bio❤️ #CapCut #fyp #goldfield #goldfieldnv #goldfieldnevada #goldfieldcemetery #tonopah #tonopahnevada #oldtonopahcemetery #tonopahcemetery #wildwest #cowboy #outlaw #cemetery #graveyard #rip #taphophile #history #historic #checkthisout #western #johnnycash
This cemetery has been on my bucket list for as long as I can remember. Getting to experience it in person was unlike anything else. During the silver and gold rush, Goldfield became that largest town in all of Nevada. Yet seemingly overnight, many of it’s residents left due to better opportunities out in California as well as disease, a flood, a fire, and lots of violence. Today, Goldfield is a town of about 250 people and is mostly abandoned. Many of the original buildings from the 1800s are still standing, including some with furniture from the era. I can’t wait to come back here and explore more. There are definitely restless Spirits who roam there and I got to experience it first hand🤠👻🪦 #CapCut #fyp #goldfield #goldfieldnv #goldfieldnevada #nevada #wildwest #goldfieldcemetery #cemetery #graveyard #cemeteryexploring #taphophile #checkthisout #history #coolgraves #amazinggraves #rip #inmemory #goldrush #history #western #cowboy #outlaw #truecrime #historic #americanhistory #paranormal #haunted #travel #darktourism #ghosttown #abandoned #urbanexploration
Dying of old age was truly a miracle back then… #CapCut #fyp ##fypfield #g#goldfieldnvg#goldfieldnevadag#goldfieldcemeteryt#tonopaht#tonopahnevadao#oldtonopahcemeteryt#tonopahcemeteryw#wildwestc#cowboyo#outlawc#cemeteryg#graveyardr#ript#taphophileh#historyh#historicc#checkthisoutw#westernjohnnycash
The beautiful faces of Hollywood Forever Cemetery❤️ Was a pleasure getting to visit these people and take a moment to stand by and admire their graves and their photos🥰 May they all rest in everlasting peace❤️ #CapCut #fyp #graveportraits #graveyard #cemetery #gravephotos #graveportrait #portrait #oldportrait #vintage #vintagephotography #historic #history #oldphotos #historicphotos #victorian #vicotrianera #cemeteryexploring #taphophile #rip #inmemory #checkthisout
The beautiful faces of Woodlawn Cemetery in Santa Monica, CA. This is the second body builder grave portrait I’ve found! I love finding unique portraits🥰 #CapCut #fyp #graveportraits #graveyard #cemetery #gravephotos #graveportrait #portrait #oldportrait #vintage #vintagephotography #historic #history #oldphotos #historicphotos #victorian #vicotrianera #cemeteryexploring #taphophile #rip #inmemory #checkthisout
The beautiful faces that caught my attention yesterday❤️ Natasha’s photo really spoke to me because I used to have that exact hair color and did my make up the same. Not to mention the tattoos! I felt connected to her and wanted to share her with all of you in hopes to help keep her memory alive and to also take a moment to think of how precious life is. Her story—all of these people’s stories, have made an impact on this earth. I love when people feel connected to the people I post. Maybe their souls are familiar cause we’ve met them in past lives or something of that matter. Who knows. But regardless, it’s a beautiful thing that brings people (passed or alive) together❤️ #CapCut #fyp #graveportraits #graveyard #cemetery #gravephotos #graveportrait #portrait #oldportrait #vintage #vintagephotography #historic #history #oldphotos #historicphotos #victorian #vicotrianera #cemeteryexploring #taphophile #rip #inmemory #checkthisout
I could walk through this cemetery forever just looking bf at all the old grave portraits❤️ #CapCut #fyp #cemetery #graveyard #cemeteryexploring #taphophile #graveportrait #graveportraits #gravephotos #vintage #oldphotos #timecapsule #vintagephotos #history #historic #losangeles #evergreen #evergreencemetery #checkthisout #victorianera #rip #inmemory #inmemoriam
Photos frozen in time…❤️ #C#CapCutf#fypg#graveportraitsg#graveyardc#cemeteryg#gravephotosg#graveportraitp#portraito#oldportraitv#vintagev#vintagephotographyh#historich#historyo#oldphotosh#historicphotosv#victorianv#vicotrianerac#cemeteryexploringt#taphophiler#ripi#inmemorycheckthisout
The beautiful faces of Hollywood Forever❤️ I know I’ve shown a couple of these portraits before but it’s been awhile…❤️ #C#CapCutf#fypg#graveportraitsg#graveyardc#cemeteryg#gravephotosg#graveportraitp#portraito#oldportraitv#vintagev#vintagephotographyh#historich#historyo#oldphotosh#historicphotosv#victorianv#vicotrianerac#cemeteryexploringt#taphophiler#ripi#inmemorycheckthisout
This video is for my friends who wanted new music in the background❤️ I hope you guys like this one❤️ And as always, may each of these souls rest in peace🕊️ #CapCut #fyp #goldfield #goldfieldnv #goldfieldnevada #goldfieldcemetery #tonopah #tonopahnevada #oldtonopahcemetery #tonopahcemetery #wildwest #cowboy #outlaw #cemetery #graveyard #rip #taphophile #history #historic #checkthisout #western #decoration
Wanna give my bestie a shout out for doing these walks with me @Sophia 🥹 Love you boo❤️ Here are some more of the beautiful faces of Home Of Peace Memorial Park. So many people you just can’t forget🥰 #CapCut #fyp #graveportraits #graveyard #cemetery #gravephotos #graveportrait #portrait #oldportrait #vintage #vintagephotography #historic #history #oldphotos #historicphotos #victorian #vicotrianera #cemeteryexploring #taphophile #rip #inmemory #checkthisout
Sorry I didn’t go further, I decided not to put my life in any more danger than it already was😂 This is one of the original homes from when Goldfield was first established in 1902. Goldfield used to be the largest town in Nevada during its prime. Now, it’s just ghosts and about 250 people. #CapCut #fyp #abandoned #abandonedhouse #urbanexploration #goldfield #goldfieldnevada #goldfieldnv #nevada #ghosttown #abandonedtown #history #historic #wildwest #goldrush #oldhomes #historichomes #checkthisout #amazinghomes
Was an absolute pleasure and honor getting to visit the beautiful faces of Saint Louis Cemetery No. 3💜💚💛#CapCut #fyp #neworleans #nola #louisiana #cemetery #graveyard #graveportraits #gravephotos #taphophile #rip #inmemory #inmemoriam #memories #oldphotos #history #historic #historicphotos #vintage