This massive goliath Grouper broke the fishing rod at skyway fishing pier! #grouper #goliath #netfishing #bait #goliathgrouper #skywayfishingpier #florida
Catching Pinfish with Frozen shrimp at skyway fishing pier. Sabiki rigs are not allowed nov15-Mar15 at skyway this was in may. #pinfish #bait #fishin #batfish #skywayfishingpier
A lot of the times when you fish at skyway bridge there’s dolphins that attack your snapper. This is what it looks like when they are somewhere else. #dolphin #snapper #fishing #skyway #skywayfishingpier
Chumming up bait fish in tampa bay. Using greenbacks are one of the most versatile bait you can use in tampa bay. #baitfish #fishing #snapper #grouper #florida